Change is indeed hard. As complex my feelings for Powell River are, it's difficult for me to process the fact that the mill (so central to my own family's history) has closed for good.
Charles, Thank for the heartwarming story! I am actually John Strands daughter and it was so nice to read about my Dad, the Miss Georgina and the Star Wars!!! It brought back many many memories and warmed my heart!
Thanks Charles.
Change is indeed hard. As complex my feelings for Powell River are, it's difficult for me to process the fact that the mill (so central to my own family's history) has closed for good.
OMG my dad was John Strand - I was chatting about his boats and googled the name and this came up. May she rest in peace!
Charles, Thank for the heartwarming story! I am actually John Strands daughter and it was so nice to read about my Dad, the Miss Georgina and the Star Wars!!! It brought back many many memories and warmed my heart!
Thank you so very much!
Tracy Strand