Thank you for taking the point of view of the eagles. I can't help but notice that despite the university's claims of environmental protection and respect, and touting of its Indigenous Strategic Plan, the way these eagle-persons are being treated exactly parallels the treatment of Indigenous people by settler colonials. Their homes are being destroyed, their territory expropriated without their consent, and their population decimated as a result. What they're being offered -- an inferior fake nest -- is a joke. What can we do to stop development and save the eagles' habitat? We need to organize a protest, maybe an occupation where we chain ourselves to the eagles' trees -- except that would also disturb them.

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It seems that UBC Properties Trust and UBC Campus Planning are demonstrating the same attitude towards this place's first residents that our government takes towards the first people to inhabit this land. Shame

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Charles Menzies

This nest was one of the successful ones this year. There are two chicks in it right now!

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I find this heartbreaking. I love those eagles and they’ve become a part of my daily routine - even inspiring me to get into birding on the regular. There are two fledglings in the current nest and i can’t wait to watch them learn to soar! I wish there was something we could do.

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Important work Charles Menzies. Sent emails as follows, duly signed:

I signed this petition for all the reasons cited — and much more!

On the surface this might look like an isolated decision that affects one nesting pair of bald eagles. However the issues underlying this development and all the social, environmental and economic downstream consequences are far more profound.

Decades of accumulated "small decisions” are coming home to roost - globally and in local bioregions. We must take responsibility for the health of our life support system, our planet. Biodiversity is inextricably linked to the symbiotic health of the natural ecosystem which is nested within larger interconnected planetary ecosystems.

We now know unequivocally that climate change is connected to biodiversity, the water cycle, soil health, forestation etc. Human interventions produce domino effects that have been overlooked for decades.

So called “economic development” that doesn’t factor in the larger social, environmental and governance perspectives ultimately harms us all. It’s time to rethink the decisions that are made, using lenses and criteria that truly serve the greater good.

There are many sources of data, research reports and resources that back this up and I’m sure you and your team have ready access to a wealth of compelling information. Here are a few more:






If this permit application is accepted, it invites others to continue down the path of environmental degradation. Life affirming policy decisions about every individual case going forward send clear signals that influence human behaviour.

Please do the right thing by supporting a crucial shift toward sound local, regional and global stewardship of our life support system.

Thank you,

Donna N.

Ordinary Citizen

Canadian Resident

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